T4D…The power of your thoughts

We all know that we do have control over our attitude.  However, we still too often allow the negative talk to go on in our heads (or maybe I should just speak for myself here).  This is a timely Thought for the day” for me as we were joking about this at work last week.  We have implemented a demerit system as a way to call each other on any negative speak.  It is fun AND makes you think twice before sharing it out loud, which in turn makes you question the initial thought to begin with.

What have you tried to minimize the negative talk or get rid of it???

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Overcome a Self-Defeating Attitude


“What you think about most molds your attitude.”

Your thoughts and beliefs are a mold for your attitude. If your thoughts are negative and self-defeating, your attitude will be the same. If your thoughts are positive and uplifting, your outlook will be the same.

What you think about most makes you what you are. It’s the repetition of the same old negative thoughts that keeps you stuck. If you want to change your attitude, use the same repetitive method. Repetitive, self-empowering thoughts are the key.Post image for Overcome a Self-Defeating Attitude

This transformation will be gradual and require persistence. Once you adopt these positive affirmations, don’t get discouraged if your negative thoughts don’t immediately disappear. Keep at it and you will soon see definite results.

Today’s Affirmation: My thoughts are positive and self-empowering.

Cyber Monday: Deal on TIME

I have never been a big fan of shopping, much less online shopping!  I decided to try it out for size this year (inspired by Maria/Linda, thank you!). 

The main reason I want to do more online shopping is to buy some time so I can enjoy more of the advent season leading up to Christmas.  Too often, the month of December ends up being filled with shopping, decorating, baking, parties and stress.  I am determined to avoid that this year, minimize the stress and more so cherish the time with family and friends.  My decorating is almost done – thanks to my beautiful daughters help…AND we had fun doing it. I ended up with some good Christmas shopping progress so my shopping is off to a good start and it isn’t even December yet – a record for me!

Anyone else care to share their approach to the (sometimes too crazy & commercialized) Christmas season and/or your favorite cyber monday deals?

Is it Sunday (or do you make it Monday)?

Do you ever find yourself spending valuable Sunday time and energy thinking about Monday?  ….

Whether it is about how busy the week ahead will be, what things you “should” have worked on during the weekend, what meetings you have, are not prepared for or still need to schedule, etc.  It is too easy to project yourself into the Monday while losing some of your Sunday.

I just had this conversation with my husband.  We spent a chunk of the morning talking about how much he had to do tomorrow, how worried he was about getting certain things done and how much was on his mind about the meetings this week… I finally said — “Let’s spend another 5-10 minutes on this topic and then shift back to enjoying our Sunday”.  Of course it is easier to catch someone else doing it, I don’t often enough recognize when I am doing it.

My question for you: How often do you make your Sunday, your Monday?

My message to you:  ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY!

T4D…Relief (could be) in sight!

Balance…the constant journey to find it, achieve it, experience it, …heck, even know what it looks/feels like would be nice somedays.  This overall theme of finding balance is my biggest challenge.  I have too many interests and try to do too many things.  I end up spreading myself so thin that I do too many things “half assed” in order to get to them all.  That also leaves me little or no time to focus on ME.  I know that balance requires a laser focus on your priorities – that is where I need to establish more discipline.

I am on this constant quest to find balance among the things so very important to me; My Relationships, My Health, My Personal & Professional Growth, and My Faith.  I feel like I spend too much time in that 3rd growth bucket.  I love to learn, I love to share, I am fascinated with all things that make that possible.  If I didn’t have 2 computers, an iPad and a smart phone, would my interest level be less or would my pursuit of them be less active?

I KNOW I need a better system for focusing on my priorities, being more proactive in pursuing what I want/need (back to the post on authenticity) and less reactive to the needs, the requests, the to-do’s coming at me.

Any Tips????   (Please!) – How do you get closer to balance?

——————–Today’s screaming thought for the day by Jane Powell——————–

Get the Relief You Need


“With balance comes contentment.”

Are you pressured by juggling all the different roles in life? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the competing demands on you? If so, it’s time to reassess your priorities and bring things back into perspective.

When your well-being is forced to take a back seat, burn out becomes a driving force. Not only are you doing a disservice to yourself but those around you suffer too.

Post image for Get the Relief You NeedThe key to overcoming burn out is to carve out some “you” time in your day. Start by delegating household tasks to other family members. Yes, you may have to settle for less than a perfect home, but so what. The goal is to lessen your burden so that you can rediscover the balance your body needs.

Aim to create a more balanced and happier lifestyle and serenity will follow.

Today’s Affirmation: My life is balanced.

I am blessed…

This Thanksgiving I am feeling so very blessed for so many reasons; my family, my friends, my health.  I thank God for each of these – all of which will appear in my new years resolution next to the words “more time”.  This has been a year of significant change for me.  I am especially thankful for my new business venture, and the people in my life that helped make it possible.  I am living the dream!

What are you most thankful for this year?

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours!

T4D…On friendship

I have to start today’s thought with a HUGE thanks to the many wonderful friends I have in my life.  I truly believe that everyone passes through your life for a reason; some stay, some do not.  All of them teach us something.   I am thankful for those that have remained and excited about those I have yet to meet :).

Have any of you experienced that “friend” that continues to make you feel guilty for not calling them, including them in something, spending more time with them?  Are they still a person you spend time with?  if so, why?

Friendship should = fun, growth, companionship, trust, positive reciprocity.  It should not include guilt, obligation and negativity!

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Time to Dump Negative Friends – Here’s Why


“You have the opportunity and the responsibility to choose the people in your life.”

You are a grown woman and you can and should choose who you spend your time with.

Post image for Time to Dump Negative Friends – Here’s WhyIt’s important to have people in your life who you know will support you in being your best. People who are there to celebrate your highs and there to support you through your lows. People who support you in living a life that reflects your values, not values of others.

Develop your own personal quality relationships. Forget about being obligated or pressured  to spend time with people who don’t support you. In the end you’ll be richly fulfilled and SO much happier.

Today’s Affirmation: I choose the people in my life.

T4D…That morning voice!

When I woke up this morning, I was feeling every possible “typical” feeling that we as women deal with now and again; Hate my clothes, bad hair day, why does that monthly friend go on and on and on, why did I eat so much for dinner last night, and shoot, I didn’t exercise yesterday – therefore gained 20 lbs (ok, maybe 5), etc.  I noticed later in the morning that my attitude was “off”…I wonder why!  It is so amazing what our inner voice can do to our attitude, mood, outlook and confidence level – especially that morning discussion we have with ourselves…sets the tone for our day.  While it isn’t easy to just shake and turn it around when there, it is helpful to acknowledge, realize and laugh at yourself…I got a good laugh this morning!

How has your morning voice been lately?    

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Confidence – What it takes to make it last.


“Expectations are barometers of success.”

As nice as it would be, you don’t just wake up one day feeling confident. Lasting confidence is earned, through successes and accomplishments.

Post image for Confidence – What it takes to make it last.We all place expectations on the outcome of our performance. It’s important to remember that such expectations ultimately determine whether you consider yourself successful or not.

If you’re consistently not meeting your expectations, redefine them. Make sure they are realistic.  And, most importantly, make sure they are your own. When you meet your own realistic expectations, when you measure success by your own barometer (not someone else’s), you will feel successful and your confidence will rise.

Today’s Affirmation: My expectations are realistic and they’re my own.

T4D…Losing ourselves

Another one screaming at me here….I too often focus on my never ending “to-do” list;  what I need to do, can’t get to, didn’t get to, should get to, etc.  This makes it really difficult to live in the moment and focus on being me!  I need to find more ways to say NO (I don’t need to take on everything that comes my way) and even find ways to delegate more things (one step made this weekend, hired a painter to paint my new office instead of adding it to our to-do list :))
Are you in the midst of a flurry of activity too? – what are your tricks to get out of it? 

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Are You Feeling Lost?


“In the quest to have more, be more and do more, you may lose yourself.”

It seems that each one of us is in a never-ending quest to have more, be more and do more. Our lives become a blur of activities that we don’t necessarily enjoy. As for the things that we do enjoy, the pleasures and pastimes that recharged our souls remain forever on a “to-do” list. In all the hustle and bustle, it is too easy to lose yourself.

Post image for Are You Feeling Lost?Take control! Don’t be afraid to ask for help with those mundane, daily tasks. And, most important, don’t feel afraid or guilty about saying “No!” when you need time to recharge.

Deep inside, you know what’s most important. Always putting yourself second doesn’t serve anyone. Now, take out your “to-do” list and start doing! It’s the best way to keep in touch with who you really are.

Today’s Affirmation: I have command over my life and I’m in touch with who I am.