It’s a beautiful life…

This message reached out and grabbed me this morning!

There are so many amazing things about my life that I somedays (heck, some weeks) take for granted. I am so blessed to have a big loving family, so many close friends, my health (even though I complain about my back – it isn’t as bad as it could be), my successes, my challenges (and all I learn from them), …. I could go on and on.

I feel a strong need to do a shout out to the many wonderful people in my life (seems to get better everyday) – You know who you are!  If you don’t, shame on me.  I cherish my older relationships that have evolved over many years. I am loving the new relationships that are developing in my life based on where I am and what is important to me.  I am learning and growing so much from these relationships and I thank you for the unique bond each one brings!

Thank you Lessons Learned in Life for the powerful visual