T4D…Admiration vs Jealousy

Do you ever find yourself admiring something about another person and then immediately going inside to judge yourself? Why is it we so often compare ourselves to others with such a critical eye?

We are all so very unique and blessed with so many characteristics and talents that differentiate us from each other!  To reflect on a thought from months ago; Let’s be a bit more gentle with ourselves and acknowledge our great qualities more often!

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Never Be Jealous Again


“Jealousy is an emotion we can live without.”  When you are jealous of someone else, your positive attitude suffers.

When tempted to compare yourself to a woman who is more beautiful or successful than most, you have a choice. You can choose

Post image for Never Be Jealous Againto admire her fine attributes or let the green-eyed monster have its way. If you choose jealousy, you will become negative, learn to doubt yourself and cultivate both fear and anger. But, when you choose admiration, you nurture an inner awe and wonder, which is too often lost as children grow into adults.Turn jealousy into admiration. Stop comparing yourself to those with wonderful qualities. Replace negative feelings with appreciation and admiration, and appreciation of your own great qualities will grow!

Today’s Affirmation: When comparing myself to others, I choose admiration rather than jealousy.