The Best Laid Plans…

I thrive when there is a plan to follow.  I absolutely LOVE checking things off a list.  I always have a ‘Plan A’ in the works, and often times a ‘Plan B’ and ‘Plan C’.  I tell myself that ‘I’m a logical thinker,’ or that I just ‘love the planning process.’

So why is it that my anxiety rises, and I’m thrown for an emotional loop when my well-thought out plans don’t work?  Am I just a control freak?  Why can’t I just ‘go-with-the-flow’?

The truth is…I tend to over-commit.  I have too many balls in the air, so I need to meticulously plan; just so I’m able to manage everything.  If one of those balls falls unexpectedly, the panic sets in and my mind starts down the path of potential ripple effects…all which result in doom!

This picture is a great reminder for me that mid-course corrections are OKAY and EXPECTED.  And, they don’t mean the sky is falling.  In fact, the new path could be even better than what I first imagined!

Does anyone else ‘freak out’ when their plans go haywire?  How do you get yourself back on track?