Enjoy Today

My dad recently told me I don’t take enough time to celebrate success. Once I achieve something, I quickly move on to the next task at hand.  This picture is a great reminder to take a pause and make sure I’m celebrating, appreciating, and enjoying the great life I have now.

Is this hard for other people to do too?

One thought on “Enjoy Today

  1. Love this Linda. Reminds me of a story I always think about with my husband. We had been working for over a year on a legal issue related to our business. We finally got a signed document we had been working so hard to get which was a huge milestone for our company. We left the lawyers office and my husband started talking about the next milestones that were already stressing him out. I made him stop the car and just cherish / celebrate what had just happened, what he worked so hard for!
    It is so true that we seem to just move on the the next thing, think about what “else” is wrong, etc.
    Being in the moment is hard work, but so very worth it to yourself and those around you!

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