T4D…Why Not Just Do It?

How many things have you thought about doing and then let yourself be talked right out of it by yours truly?  We so often find so many reasons to NOT do something before we try or even before we think about the good reasons to do it.

Shout out to Maria today for doing some major things in her life that a few years ago, she would have talked herself out of….way to go Maria!

What are you NOT moving forward on (for the many reasons you have told yourself)?

Remember – I don’t believe curiosity ever killed any cat!

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Cure for Fearing the Unknown


“Stop fearing the unknown and move forward.”

Do these sound familiar? “I’m too old to do something new.” “I won’t be any good at it.” “People will laugh.”  Are these the kinds of things you tell yourself when opportunity strikes?  When you determine the result or the outcome before you even start, you have already considered rejection or failure.  And, when this happens, it’s easy to come up with excuses for not even trying.

Post image for Cure for Fearing the UnknownThe secret is to disconnect the outcome from the process. This is when you release the fear and give yourself the opportunity for success.

Think about it, you cannot possibly know the outcome before you try. Nobody can! So, trust yourself and get out there and do it.

Today’s Affirmation: I give myself opportunity for success by disconnecting the outcome from the process.