It’s the “Crazies” that make us crazy!

Have you ever had one of those days, or weeks, where crazy people everywhere are making YOU a wee bit crazy?….(If you answered NO, you must share your secret!)

I have a few view points on the notion of the CRAZIES out there ….

  1. The law of attraction works in droves here; Think about it….Imagine you are in the midst of a really crazy day or week with strange things going on around you, people / needs / demands coming at you all at once.  You are anxious, eager, impatient or you just feel like you and/or things around you are not making sense.  Your sanity scale, for whatever reason, is taking a nose dive.  To boil it down, you simply feel a bit crazy.  It is during these times, IN walks all the crazies.  The crazier you feel, the more the crazy people find you and join in on the fun .  Why is this?
  2. It doesn’t make ANY sense;  When we start experiencing more crazy people and asking ourselves…WTF?  Why is this happening?  What is going on?  What does this mean?   Is this an attempt to make me more crazy?  Is my radar just more aware?  Is it a test?  or is it simply to help me realize I am not so bad (look at that person!)?  Only in the sane moments can we look at it rationally….
  3. SO, in a nutshell, It is OK and even makes it more fun to blame the CRAZIES around us for making us crazy!

….inspired by Laura Kalies (not for being crazy, but for having fun talking about the fun reality of it all)


Please share your perspective on the “Crazies”…

One thought on “It’s the “Crazies” that make us crazy!

  1. I read this and thought, so true! Then I saw my name at the end and remembered our conversation. Ridding ourselves of unrealistic “shoulds” is one of the best things we can do to help us take pause and require the ‘crazies’ to as well. Asking questions and coping beyond shock and appaul help to bring things back to a more realistic and POSITIVE perspective. Cheers to all the crazies!

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