CREDIBILITY: Actions speak louder than words, but both are key!

A colleague of mine found this great HBR Article – Recover Your Credibility  – Loved it and wanted to share it here.

It was a powerful reminder to me about being so very aware of what I say AND what I then do about what I say.

Do you ever find yourself wrapping up a conversation and not taking as much care with your words as you should (I will call you next week, Let’s meet in a couple weeks, I will connect you with so and so, I will send you that doc right when I get back to my desk, etc).  Are you holding yourself accountable to actually doing those things that you say?  Your credibility requires your actions, not just your words.

Questions I need to ask myself more often?

  • Am I careful to track the things I say I will do?
  • Am I following through on my promises?
  • Do I say things that lead to me over promising?
Thoughts or reactions??

Inspired by Leah Fisher & HBR

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