The book that should have been in the box…

I am fascinated by this concept; The missing manual; the book that should have been in the box.

Too often nowadays we hear “It is so intuitive – it is so easy to use” as it relates to new technology hardware or software.  In many cases it is true.  However, how many devices and/or applications are we not getting full use of because we don’t know what we don’t know?

We don’t know all those features that may be perfect for us based on how we interact with that device or application.  Think of that secret little tip your friend tells you that, once known, saves you a bunch of time!

Take the iPad for instance….

LOVE my iPad!  I  cracked open the box and was so excited to start using it right away.  However, I am here to say that I know I am not getting the full utility out of it as I have not taken

the  time to learn to use it in the context of my world or in the context of the way I prefer to operate.

My iPad is a perfect example of a NEW thing; a change that requires me to operate in new ways.

This book represents a great support system that will help me learn what I need to learn when I need to learn it.  I could get by without the manual – but will I be as enthusiastic about using my iPad and further embedding it into what I do and how I do it. I would think Apple would want me to have the book


As Charles Jennings, learning expert, says…..

In the past we have lived in an environment where “Knowledge is power”.  Now we have so much information and the knowledge generated by that information is so transient that now “Access is power”.

Thanks for listening…