New Beginnings






“You must begin wherever you are.” – Jack Boland

I had a fantastic holiday season; filled with family and friends. However, I have never been so ready for the holidays to be over! I am craving routine and am excited (and optimistic) about pursuing my goals.

This year’s focus will be all about health & happiness.  I haven’t quite figured out what I need to do to achieve these goals, but am satisfied with just knowing what they are right now!!

So one more quote to keep me inspired: “Beginnings are wonderful things – they’re free, they’re full of possibilities, and everyone gets a new one every day.” – Unknown

Happy New Year!

As we close out 2011, I’m starting to think about my resolutions for 2012. The cartoon below is pretty much how successful I’ve been in years past.

A friend recently posted the following on facebook: “when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful”

So I’m now trying to figure out what is as important to me as breathing. Is anyone else working on crafting resolutions for the new year?


Enjoy Today

My dad recently told me I don’t take enough time to celebrate success. Once I achieve something, I quickly move on to the next task at hand.  This picture is a great reminder to take a pause and make sure I’m celebrating, appreciating, and enjoying the great life I have now.

Is this hard for other people to do too?

The Best Laid Plans…

I thrive when there is a plan to follow.  I absolutely LOVE checking things off a list.  I always have a ‘Plan A’ in the works, and often times a ‘Plan B’ and ‘Plan C’.  I tell myself that ‘I’m a logical thinker,’ or that I just ‘love the planning process.’

So why is it that my anxiety rises, and I’m thrown for an emotional loop when my well-thought out plans don’t work?  Am I just a control freak?  Why can’t I just ‘go-with-the-flow’?

The truth is…I tend to over-commit.  I have too many balls in the air, so I need to meticulously plan; just so I’m able to manage everything.  If one of those balls falls unexpectedly, the panic sets in and my mind starts down the path of potential ripple effects…all which result in doom!

This picture is a great reminder for me that mid-course corrections are OKAY and EXPECTED.  And, they don’t mean the sky is falling.  In fact, the new path could be even better than what I first imagined!

Does anyone else ‘freak out’ when their plans go haywire?  How do you get yourself back on track?