Letting Go into 2016

This struck me as I begin to reflect on the coming year which will represent big change for me….

I plan to commit to more time for me which means I have to find something to let go of in order to allow this additional time/focus on me.

Now to determine what I will let go of….

“To reach for something greater, you must first let go of what’s in your hand”



Sharing Vulnerabilities…

“Walk straight into your vulnerability, you will never feel so powerful.”

~ Robin Foley

Loved this quote and had to share it.

Our vulnerabilities make us…. US.  What makes us vulnerable, makes us unique.  Why is it hard at times for us to allow those vulnerabilities to be seen?  I strongly believe that when we show our vulnerabilities, we become stronger, more creative and much happier.  I also immediately feel more connected to people when they show their vulnerabilities.

Being vulnerable is powerful!





Thanks Women of Green


The book that should have been in the box…

I am fascinated by this concept; The missing manual; the book that should have been in the box.

Too often nowadays we hear “It is so intuitive – it is so easy to use” as it relates to new technology hardware or software.  In many cases it is true.  However, how many devices and/or applications are we not getting full use of because we don’t know what we don’t know?

We don’t know all those features that may be perfect for us based on how we interact with that device or application.  Think of that secret little tip your friend tells you that, once known, saves you a bunch of time!

Take the iPad for instance….

LOVE my iPad!  I  cracked open the box and was so excited to start using it right away.  However, I am here to say that I know I am not getting the full utility out of it as I have not taken

the  time to learn to use it in the context of my world or in the context of the way I prefer to operate.

My iPad is a perfect example of a NEW thing; a change that requires me to operate in new ways.

This book represents a great support system that will help me learn what I need to learn when I need to learn it.  I could get by without the manual – but will I be as enthusiastic about using my iPad and further embedding it into what I do and how I do it. I would think Apple would want me to have the book


As Charles Jennings, learning expert, says…..

In the past we have lived in an environment where “Knowledge is power”.  Now we have so much information and the knowledge generated by that information is so transient that now “Access is power”.

Thanks for listening…

CREDIBILITY: Actions speak louder than words, but both are key!

A colleague of mine found this great HBR Article – Recover Your Credibility  – Loved it and wanted to share it here.

It was a powerful reminder to me about being so very aware of what I say AND what I then do about what I say.

Do you ever find yourself wrapping up a conversation and not taking as much care with your words as you should (I will call you next week, Let’s meet in a couple weeks, I will connect you with so and so, I will send you that doc right when I get back to my desk, etc).  Are you holding yourself accountable to actually doing those things that you say?  Your credibility requires your actions, not just your words.

Questions I need to ask myself more often?

  • Am I careful to track the things I say I will do?
  • Am I following through on my promises?
  • Do I say things that lead to me over promising?
Thoughts or reactions??

Inspired by Leah Fisher & HBR

Just Be You….

I love this image as it brings to light a challenge we all face with the WHAT and WHY of Just Being You!  It SOUNDS great, but sometimes much harder than it sounds.

  • What are the most important characteristics for you?
  • Which are natural characteristics for you?
  • Which characteristics are important, but are more challenging to just “be”?
  • Why are some natural and some more challenging to “be”?
 When asked to describe yourself in 3 words –
  • Which words would you use to best describe you?
  • Which words would you WANT to use to describe you?

It’s the “Crazies” that make us crazy!

Have you ever had one of those days, or weeks, where crazy people everywhere are making YOU a wee bit crazy?….(If you answered NO, you must share your secret!)

I have a few view points on the notion of the CRAZIES out there ….

  1. The law of attraction works in droves here; Think about it….Imagine you are in the midst of a really crazy day or week with strange things going on around you, people / needs / demands coming at you all at once.  You are anxious, eager, impatient or you just feel like you and/or things around you are not making sense.  Your sanity scale, for whatever reason, is taking a nose dive.  To boil it down, you simply feel a bit crazy.  It is during these times, IN walks all the crazies.  The crazier you feel, the more the crazy people find you and join in on the fun .  Why is this?
  2. It doesn’t make ANY sense;  When we start experiencing more crazy people and asking ourselves…WTF?  Why is this happening?  What is going on?  What does this mean?   Is this an attempt to make me more crazy?  Is my radar just more aware?  Is it a test?  or is it simply to help me realize I am not so bad (look at that person!)?  Only in the sane moments can we look at it rationally….
  3. SO, in a nutshell, It is OK and even makes it more fun to blame the CRAZIES around us for making us crazy!

….inspired by Laura Kalies (not for being crazy, but for having fun talking about the fun reality of it all)


Please share your perspective on the “Crazies”…