The value of simplicity…

Shout out to Linda Skluzacek on this one – A perfect reminder to Keep It Simple!

I KNOW that if I simplified more things in my life, I would be happier and healthier.  Saying it and doing it are 2 very different things.

Love this statement and I am right now going to:

  1. Stop over-thinking a couple things I am currently over thinking
  2. Put a plan in place to Simplify my office space
What do you need to simplify in your life???

The Four Agreements…

Thanks to Tiffany for sharing this one and bringing it back to the forefront of my mind.  They make so much sense, but definitely an easier said than done sort of thing.

This is the one and only book that we have read for my book club of almost 2 years 🙂

For more information on them, see

When you journey within, you’re never without….

It has been a while….I wanted so badly to keep up with blogging as it has been a good outlet for self-expression, sharing and personal exploration for me.  However, I got busy and let my day to day get the best of me.  The Thought for the day below JUMPED out at me as did some emails I have received from some of you reaching out to me asking what happened to the daily thoughts.  THANK YOU!

I need and want to find more (scratch that) MAKE MORE “me” time – more “sit down with nothing going on around me, no one coming at me – just BE time”.
Who does this in a way it is working for them?  Please Share!

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Never Be WithoutYour internal wisdom is the part of you that knows what is true and best for you. Each one of us is born with this gift yet it often gets lost in a sea of external voices, opinions and judgments.

It’s time to recapture this priceless gift!

Make a time and a place when all you have to do is concentrate on yourself – not the children, pets, your boss, your coworkers, your unfinished laundry or your list of errands.

Make this special place a quiet zone and sanctuary. Close your eyes and listen to your thoughts. Be at one with yourself and quietly tap into your internal wisdom.

If this is new to you, be patient. It may take time. But, as you listen carefully, you will gradually come to know that the greatest wisdom is inside your heart.

Today’s Affirmation: I listen to my internal wisdom.

The “Giving” Gift…

I consider my ability to “give” both a blessing and a curse.  I love to give to others and it is so rewarding!  However, sometimes I forget about giving to myself.  I find myself looking for ways to give to those around me; helping them, being there for them, seeing what they need so as to determine if I can fill that need, etc.

Today’s thought for the day helps me cherish the blessing side of my gift.  It also makes me think about being more gracious about giving to that person I sometimes forget about…!

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

The Priceless Gifts You Give

by JANE POWELL on MARCH 17, 2012

“Touch hearts with your intangible gifts.”

One of the most treasured gifts of women is the ability to give, without expecting something is return. Such unconditional gifts of the heart, like encouragement, hope, love, a kind word and appreciation, fall into this category.

The glow you get inside when you share these gifts is comparable to nothing else. Your soul becomes filled with a sense of calmness and the burdens of the world seem weightless.

Post image for The Priceless Gifts You GiveFor what we give returns to us, multiplied many times over. So, cast the bread of kindness on the waters of life. Enjoy sharing a moment of selfless affection with someone in need.

That warm glow will always reward you. It comes with the principle of selfless giving.

Today’s Affirmation: I cherish my ability to give and expect nothing in return.

The dreaded “WHAT-IF”….

I am feeling particularly anxious free today, so it is a good day to write about this topic.  First of all, that makes it a unique day.  I am trying to figure out what creates these “anxious free” days for me so I can create more of them.  On the outside some of you may see a calm, ok…maybe not calm, but full of energy, positive, prepared (sometimes over prepared), easy going person (I said SOME of you) :). Well, let me tell you….
Most days, I am angst ridden on the inside about too many trivial, out of my control type thoughts.  I am not saying this makes me a nervous wreck, but it is enough of a distraction that I want to strive for more anxious free days than not.  I want to give my brain more space for the positives (as there is SO much to feel so very positive about).

I worry about the What-Ifs;

  • What if  I can’t get this done?
  • What if  I run out of time?  / What if  I am not prepared?
  • What if  I don’t like how that goes?
  • What if  I don’t get that THING right?
  • What if  I don’t call that person?  /  What if  that person doesn’t call me?
  • What if  I forgot something?  / What if  they forget?
  • What if  that person doesn’t like what I have to say?
  • What if  I don’t get time to exercise?
  • What if  I say no? / What if  I say yes?
  • What if  I make this decision?  or that decision?
  • …and the list goes on….
I am constantly striving to free my brain from all of those worrisome What-Ifs.  Any tips are welcome for those of you that have found a way to master this one!
Love this quote by Wayne Dyer:

It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there’s nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized.

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

Stop Anxious Thoughts

by JANE POWELL on MARCH 6, 2012

“Free yourself from anxiety by chasing away the ‘What-if’s?’”

“What-if?” So many negative thoughts start with these two words. “What if I’m late for work?” “What if I don’t lose weight?” “What if I don’t go to my friends for dinner because I’m too tired?” What if…what if…what…if!

Post image for Stop Anxious ThoughtsEach anxious thought leads to another anxious thought, and another – only to feed a negative spiral of worry. Before you know it, your heart races, it’s hard to breathe and there’s a knot in your stomach the size of a pot roast.

Catch yourself! Next time you fall in to the “what-if” trap, stop it in its tracks. Turn your thinking in a positive direction. It takes time and consistent practice, but the freedom from anxiety is well worth the effort.

The power of your smile….

Do you ever see people who just seem to always have a smile on their face?  A smile has amazing power; it is most often contagious, it is something understood in every language and people intuitively gravitate towards a smile.
How often is your face in the “Smile” position?  often enough?

Inspired by Jane Powell…. 

The Power of Your Smile


“There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.”

A smile not only crosses geographic boundaries, it also crosses the boundaries of culture, background, age and beliefs. What’s more, it works the same magic in them all!

A warm smile can make a child feel better, as surely as it can cheer up an oldman. It can soften hearts and firm up commitments. It can mend friendships and break tensions. It can reassure and give support. It can say ‘I love you’ and ‘congratulations.’ It can make deals. It can make friendships. It can make memories or even make your day.

But perhaps, most important of all, a smile can make the world a better place for the person who gives it – you!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women